1351 |
Generaloberst Franz Halder. Kriegstagebuch, Stuttgart, 1963. Bd. 2, S. 19-21. |
1 |
1352 |
Generaloberst Franz Halder. Kriegstagebuch, Stuttgart, 1963. Bd. 2, S. 335-337. |
1 |
1353 |
Generaloberst Franz Halder. Kriegstagebuch, Stuttgart, 1963. Bd. 2, S. 48-50. |
1 |
1354 |
Georges Bonnet, Defense de la Paix. De Washington au Quai d’Orsay, p. 352—353. (Жорж Боннэ, Защита мира. От Вашингтона до Кэ д’Орсей, стр. 352—353.)
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1355 |
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1356 |
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1 |
1357 |
Geschichte der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. Berlin, 1966. Bd. 5. Dok 65. |
1 |
1358 |
Geschichte der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. Berlin, 1966. Bd. 5. Dok. 66, S. 532-535. |
1 |
1359 |
Geschichte des zweiten Weltkrieges in Dokumenten, t. III. Freiburg, 1959, S. 110-111. |
1 |
1360 |
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1361 |
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1362 |
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1363 |
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1364 |
Gh.Tаtаrescu. Marturii pentru istorie. Editura Enciclopedica. Bucuresti, 1966, p. 75-76, 92, 93, 99, 103-109. |
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1365 |
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1366 |
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1 |
1367 |
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1 |
1368 |
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1 |
1369 |
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1 |
1370 |
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1 |
1371 |
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1 |
1372 |
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1 |
1373 |
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1 |
1374 |
Głos Ludowy, 9.VI 1945, № 23. |
1 |
1375 |
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1 |
1376 |
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1 |
1377 |
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1 |
1378 |
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1 |
1379 |
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1 |
1380 |
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1 |
1381 |
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1 |
1382 |
Głos Robotniczy, 12.XI 1918, № 84. |
1 |
1383 |
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1384 |
Gomułka W. Artykuły i przemówienia, t. 1. Warszawa, 1962, str. 224-227. |
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1385 |
Gomułka Wl. Artykuły i przemówienia, t. I. Warszawa, 1962, s. 313-319, 328-329, 332-338. |
1 |
1386 |
Goniec Czerwony, 11.VIII 1920. |
2 |
1387 |
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1 |
1388 |
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1389 |
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1390 |
Graf Riidiger von der Goltz. Meine Sendung in Finnland and im Baltikum, Leipzig, 1920, S. 270 f. |
1 |
1391 |
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1 |
1392 |
Graiul поu, 1945, 12 ulliе. |
1 |
1393 |
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1 |
1394 |
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1 |
1395 |
Gtos Kolejarzy Ewakuowanych, 10(23).X 1917. |
1 |
1396 |
Gtos Komunistyczny, 11.II 1924, № 13. |
1 |
1397 |
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1 |
1398 |
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1399 |
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1 |
1400 |
Haavio M. Me marssimme Aunuksen teitä. S. 140-142. |
1 |